The message is getting through
I think there’s some scientific law that describes this phenomenon. You know, the one where you buy a blue car and then see blue cars everywhere. Since I began contemplating the now or never philosophy, it keeps popping up all over. Podcasts, books, random tweets.
wrote about it this week.He talked about waiting until you’re 65 and then living the dream.
It’s a message from the Universe and I need to listen!
Whenever a change has been imminent, I’ve had a sense of it coming. There are always signs. When I was younger, I didn’t recognise them, but experience has shown me what they are.
A big one is feeling out of alignment. Knowing that something, however small, is off. Losing a sense of flow. And being burnt out.
Often the decision to move on or make changes seems counterintuitive. And scary. But a space needs to be made for something new. Those old nudges come back and whisper to you, it’s time, get on with it.
I can feel the next changes incoming. I want more.
I like what Tim writes:
The gap between those ideas and taking action is gone. I no longer sit down and ma$turbate as most people do about what I’m gonna do like old man Sam. Nope.
I just freaking do it.
I have an idea and within an hour I’m already implementing it. I don’t wonder anymore. I let myself take action and let reality shape my views.
99% of people spend their whole lives dreaming and putting things off. When you adopt this go-to-war mindset the thinking time vanishes. You finally start to live life.
It’s time to go to war and live life.